How to set ffmpeg audacity
How to set ffmpeg audacity

Using a compressor we can’t make the loudest parts of audio louder, but we can increase the volume of the quiet parts, which makes the overall audio recording louder. I’ve checked ‘Make-up gain for 0 dB after compressing’ button which makes-up up for the loss in volume at the peaks, this option allows to maintain the same high volume at the louder parts of your audio while increasing the volume of quieter parts in your recording. Look at before and after pictures of the waveform in Audacity. Compression settings (Audacity) Audio before applying compression (Audacity) Audio after applying compression (Audacity) Essentially, compressor makes the whole recording’s volume more even. Using a compressor you compress your audio recording making quieter parts louder and louder parts quieter. However, there is a way to make your overall audio recording sound louder without clipping audio by using a compressor. When editing you can’t indefinitely add more volume to your audio recording as that will cause clipping. Clipping is often triggered due to too high gain settings, speaking too close or too loud into the microphone and increasing volume too high when editing. Audio clipping is an occurrence where your audio input is too high for an amplifier to output and the excess in signal causes a distortion.

How to set ffmpeg audacity